Abiodun O. Oduyemi

  • Abiodun is an experienced Enterprise Information Technology Risk & Security Management professional
  • He has with over 16 years work experience in Information Technology specializing in Security and Risk Management in the last 12 years.
  • He holds a BSc degree from Obafemi Awolowo University in Computer Engineering, a Masters of Science qualification from the University of Westminster, London in Computer Networks and Communications.
  • Certification include, but not limited to:

–Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification

–Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) v3 Foundation

–OGC Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices (P3O) certified

–Prince2 (Projects in Controlled Environments) certified

  • ‘Bioduns experience cuts across many sectors including Financial, Public Sector, Retail, Education and Energy
  • He is very knowledgeable in managing risk and security in state-of-the-art technologies using information security industry standards and regulatory/compliance requirements such as Enterprise Information Security Architecture (SABSA), NIST, ISO 27001 and PCI/DSS and OWASP/Web threats
  • He is well-versed in conducting Enterprise Information Risk and Audit Assessments, Business Impact Assessment, Privacy Impact Assessment, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning using industry recognized methodologies and tools
  • Abioduns core competencies includes:

–IT Strategy. Forming effective partnerships with Senior Management to define and document security requirements, identify, assess, respond to and report on risks

–IT Governance. Development of governance documentation for Enterprise Information Security, including policies, standards, procedures and guidelines

–Risk Assurance and Third Party Risk Management

  • ‘Biodun is also a trained Life Coach and the skills acquired drives his unique approach to influencing people in managing risks.