CSR Policy

We recognise the importance of approaching our corporate social responsibility (CSR) in a deliberate and committed way. We are passionate about adding value to our communities, and helping the local community is not just something we choose to do but is actually an important part of our business.

Green Policy

We are committed to working smart and protecting the environment by exploring the most energy efficient ways and reducing carbon foot prints in Africa. We intend to do this by reducing our impact on the environment and asking our staff, clients, partners and vendors to do the same.

Ethical Policy

We commit to maintaining the highest level of professional integrity with regard to our clients, staff and professional regulators, along with others with whom we interact. We have zero-tolerance for discrimination, bullying or any other kind of harassment, and firmly believe that everyone should be treated with respect. Employees are expected to abide by company rules and to be honest and considerate in their various roles; and all our consultants comply with their various professional bodies’ code of ethics.

Anti-bribery & Corruption Policy

We recognise that bribery and corruption are damaging to legitimate business interests, undermining good governance and distorting fair business practice. This Policy applies to all employees, directors, agents, consultants, contractors, customers and to any other people or bodies associated with CCN, irrespective of their location. ln essence, we have a zero tolerance approach to Bribery and Corruption, acting in a fair, ethical and honest manner with all our employees and business associates. We maintaining a rigid Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy, upholding all National and international laws in respect of Bribery and Corruption. We conduct all our business in an honest and ethical manner and we want to ensure that all our clients, associates and business partners do likewise.